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The New Ypres League vzw

The New Ypres League is an Ypres based charity dedicated to remembering the fallen of all sides in The Ypres Salient during the Great War of 1914 - 1918.

Remembrance in the Ypres Salient of today presents us with a whole new set of unique challenges. The last veterans of the Great War left us a few years ago but remembering the fallen in the Salient is still as relevant today as it was in the 1920s and 30s. Although the Great War ended over 100 years ago, the Salient still regularly gives up its grisly harvest. The remains of over 135,000 soldiers of the Great War lay unrecovered in the cold clay of Flanders, these remains are still being recovered every year. Once the remains have gone through the identification process, they are reburied with military honours in one of the many military cemeteries in the area.

These ceremonies and the sacrifice made by these soldiers require official recognition in the form of wreath laying and the attendance of a standard bearer.  In addition to the burials there are many ceremonies that require official attendance, anniversaries of major battles, special Last Post ceremonies, visits from VIPS all of which require official attendance. 

However, as time marches on, and age becomes more of a factor, there are fewer and fewer people and organisations available in the Ypres Salient to perform these tasks. 
It is vital that the sacrifice made by the fallen in the Ypres Salient is not forgotten and that a whole new generation of volunteers are encouraged actively to partake in remembrance activities.

                     With this issue in mind, I am proud to announce the launch of the New Ypres League.

Remember To Help Us Remember Them
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